
Sunday, September 12, 2010


Some days you just really need a kind, uplifting word. Last week, that was me. The next day, I clicked on a giveaway and found this doodled saying, and instantly my spirits were lifted.

image by aimee of artsyville (check out her blog for more delightfully illustrated phrases)

It's moments like those that remind me of the importance of a supportive word. Enter (in)courage. They, too, were hosting a giveaway, but this giveaway paid forward! They sent participants a pack of encouraging cards with the promise that the cards would be used to encourage others, in honor of the the National Day of Encouragement (today!). I was more than happy to receive a pack of Dayspring cards and send them out.

In particular, there is a group of girls that I used to room with. Each one of them came into my life during a different stage: high school, college, and post-college. Let me tell you, these girls are amazing. They are all very different from each other, but they've all impacted my life. When I read through the pack of cards, there was one specifically geared toward each one. I hope their hearts were lifted as much as mine was when I wrote in them, reflecting on our friendship.

I seriously love this one. Who in your life comes to mind when you read this card?


  1. Cards are such a beautiful way to share God's love with another. I loved the one about 2 women having coffee and the one about the yellow umbrella. :)

    Stopping by from (in)courage to say hello!

  2. oh, yay! what fun to see this here - thank you so much for featuring my grit and moxie!
